Debugger stuck inside imported library! HELP!

Debugger stuck inside imported library! HELP!


2 min read

Hello world!

My second post of this blog. Let's do this.

Today I got stuck when debugging. When the debugger reached the function of a declared library the debugger got inside of that library and I was stuck there for a while. I was clicking step in and step over many times until I got back to my own code. I know it might sound trivial for most...but I hope this helps someone starting to learn how to debug.

Debugger: How to not get inside the library's code?

The easy and quick solution is: Click step out.

To prevent this issue of happening again: Don't step in a function, use step over instead to skip all the library's code.


How to use: Continue, Step Over, Step Into and Step Out

But I will take some time here now to explain what each button (Continue, Step Over, Step Into and Step Out) on the debugger does:

2021-11-04-1 (1).avif


Debugger will run and execute all the lines of code until it reaches a breakpoint.

Step Over

Debugger move you to the next line of the code.

Step in

Almost the same as step over however, if the line has a function it will move you INSIDE that function that is being called.

Step out

If you are inside of a function it will get you out of it.


It will stop debugging.


It will restart the debugger, and run the code again until it reaches a breakpoint.

Thanks you all! Until next time ๐Ÿ––
